Pro Teens

Pro Teens' Ministry


A recent survey found that 59% percent of millennials raised in a church have dropped out. Youth are more likely to have no interest in church more than ever. Because relationships matter at Progression, we believe it is of vital importance that our youth are our top priority.

We believe the culture and spirituality of church is still necessary to build a solid foundation for youth and adults alike. Our goal is to provide innovative, creative and exciting worship experiences that are relevant, spiritual and inspiring. Our youth help to create our ministry to keep our ministry edge and stay relevant.


We make sure the youth curriculum is concurrent with the adult worship themes. We combine arts and spirituality to share the good news of the Messiah.


Our goal is that our young people will discover their own relationship with God.


Each young person is encouraged to build relationships with each other and they are taught life skills to help them cope with daily challenges.


Church should not be difficult or boring. God is the essence of life and love and we want our kids to experience that through worship.

Pro Teens Service Structure:


11:00 am: Church Testimony/Song service

11:30 am: ProTeens Service starts

11:35 am: ProTeens Greeting and Weekly Update

11:45 am: ProTeens Prayers request/Praying time 1

12:00 noon: ProTeens Inspirational Word (subsequent with Pastor Calvin’s message/theme)

Note: Our youth are encouraged to participate in the adult service for testimony and worship, after which, they move into their classroom with the youth pastor for their own service.

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